Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Pride Parade 2005

The Gay Pride parade will be on Sunday. The Dyke March will be on Friday evening. Sadly, I can't photograph either one since my Philippine high school will be having a batch reunion this coming weekend.

The parade makes me wonder of the past because I had an uncle come to San Francisco during the 1970's. My mother said in that Pin@y way "You know, he was not gay until he went to San Francisco. He became gay. The city made him gay."

I have wanted to interview my uncle just to hear about his stories in the wild days of San Francisco. I can just imagine him. A good looking mestizo strutting his stuff in the streets of San Francisco. How many broken hearts did he leave? What streets did he walk in that I walk in now?

Here's to you uncle! Hope you remember your youth well!

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