Monday, June 02, 2003

Seeker (not her real name) is a Ph.D. candidate in anthropology. I met her through the SO. They went to the same high school and were exposed to the solar radiation which probably explains their both having beauty and brains. I always thought that Seeker should have been the little sister I never had. She's intelligent, sarcastic, and absolutely curses way too much for her own good.

Seeker reminded me of an issue I had with images of Jesus Christ. I always wondered why in the Philippines, some of the Jesus Christ images were black. The images had European features, but the images had black skin. I never understood racial dynamics.

So, it turns out that sometime in the Protestant movement, Europeans decided that Christ had to separated from his Jewish people. So, the move was on to portray Christ with the European features. That is why today, Mexicans, Latinos and Pin@ays worhip the image of a white man on the cross.

Seeker's parents wanted to buy her a Sto Nino. Seeker suggested that she wanted one that was black. Hahahhahah. The mother asked her why she was being blasphemous. Hehehheheh.

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