Friday, June 20, 2003

What is Food Irradiation?
Irradiated food has been exposed to radiation equivalent to millions of chest x-rays, in order to destroy invasive insects and drastically extend shelf life. This process allows multinational food corporations to ship food all over the world and exert tremendous control over the food system. Local and indigenous farms and farm workers will be pushed aside to build huge factory farms controlled by powerful agribusiness corporations. In Southeast Asia, the U.S. irradiation company SureBeam has been actively negotiating in at least three countries to construct facilities, threatening the livelihood and well-being of farmers throughout the region.

The above is from a message from PUSOD in Berkeley CA. I feel bad for the peasant farmers in the world. But, the world is changing so fast that one must adapt to the changes because if one does not, one becomes disposable. The world is based on change. Even nature is a story of change. Nothing stays the same forever. To try and make everything the same only leads to the inevitable failure.

I personally don't know how I can help the farmers in the world. But in this one book of tai chi, the instructor suggested that one must try to help the world one person at a time. For myself, as a capitalist who lives in a democracy, I have to support businesses that try to make money. Certainly, I believe that there will be costs here as well as in the Philippines. The goal is to try and be the one making the corporation.

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