Sunday, July 13, 2003

Today was an excellent day. It was the day in which I had to let go of a lot of things from the past. Garage sale folks! But you are not here to hear about my garage sale experience, are you? Nope. You are here to bask in the glory that is food. Food, I haven't written about it in a while even though I have been eating some of the best. Just remember, each time you dine, you must savor the moment. SAVOR the moment.

So, my friend's mom made the classic LUGAW, or as other Asians know it, overboiled rice (jook comes to mind). But, being Pin@y, certain things were added as extras such as sliced pieces of chicken thigh, whole boiled eggs (the good kind and not the one with the nasty green ring due to iron sulfide), garlic and saffron. The lugaw was heavenly. Hey, it was a meal by itself!

The second course was spaghetti made the Pin@y way. This means Vienna sausages straight from the can, tomato sauce sweetened by sugar, and cheese. Yum, yum, yum!!!!

We also had lumpia which contained tuna instead of the usual beef and also contained raisins and corn. Another set of lumpia had the traditional pork stuffing. I believe this particular type of lumpia is called lumpiang Shanghai.

But when the lugaw contians hard-boiled eggs, nothing can top that off. Unless of course dinner comes rolling around. And it is now 7:30 so dinner is right around the corner.


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