Saturday, August 23, 2003

Working in a plant. Two.

Twelve thousand product units. I am transfixed because at our best month, we produced 500 products. This is without that bullshit of manipulating the numbers. You know, the plant could not finish the 500 products in March so we finish it in April. Then we finish the April lot in April. For the month of April, we made 1000 product units. That is bullshit and a four year old will you that it is bullshit.

I can understand the power of positive thinking. Reality is what your mind perceives. Hell, I use it everyday at work. I tell people there that I am SEXY. At first, people laughed. They could not believe my gall. After a while, they simply tolerated me. Now, SEXY is my name. I walk down the halls and they whistle after my sexiness. I turn and model my new outfit for them if I like them. It brings them a smile. It makes the workday go that much faster. Is it Friday yet?

But positive thinking while taking crack cocaine is never a good thing. How else do we explain how someone came up with such outrageous numbers? How else do we explain the absolute disconnect from management to workers? How else do I stay sane with twelve thousand becoming infinite?

One way that was suggested although it was mentioned surreptitiously was through "minimal validation." Hehehe. I had to smile at that one. I always thought that you had to validate all equipment used in the production process. Now, I am being told by my manager and another manager that the company does not have to use validated equipment. You have to double think that one just to make sure you did not make a mistake.

Another QA/QC director was asked her opinion. She said that "Yes, sometimes validation is not necessary. In their dreams!" Ahh, maybe when I think that I am awake, I am actually in someone else's dream. That would make sense because then, I would not be forced to agree to many silly things. It seems like I have no control of my work. Yes, maybe I am actually a part of someone else's dreams.

But in case I am not dreaming, then this is a sad reality for me. I better begin looking for a new job because this current one isn't going to be easy. Even now, people are stopping their thinking process and just going along with the program. If the company has taught me anything, it is how not to manage. I can not imagine a place so mismanaged. I understand why the company struggles.

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