Monday, July 11, 2005

What Illegal Fireworks?

DSCN5238, originally uploaded by rhettvpascual.

Wedding Thoughts

It has been tradition for the fiancee's side that some of the cousins perform during the wedding. What has also been tradition, however, is that they sometimes do not follow-through on the practice session. More often than not, this results in a cute performance, but a sloppy cute performance. It's okay if the cousins are all small and cute.

But I think cute ends when you are around ten to teen-age years. By then, if you are sloppy, you are just lazy and did not follow-up on the practice sessions and embarassing yourself. For our wedding, I and the fiancee created an audition rule. Primarily because we did not want the wedding evening to become a family show. After all, with an expected number of 300 people, there might be an extended performance show.

Secondly, we figured that many of our guests danced with some of the premier Philippine dance companies. Now, do we really want to subject them to sloppy dance performances? Nope. They are artists and artists should only be exposed to the best art on a wedding occasion. So, we have probably two sets of people who will perform. One is a Tahitian dance to be performed by an 8 year old. She's still cute even if she screws it up. The other is a piano / song performance most likely.


Yesterday was the future brother-in-law's grad party which was attended by a lot of people. I can just imagine the wedding. Triple the number from yesterday and that would be the wedding. I can become pensive with thoughts of 500 people maybe showing up. I suppose I don't have anything to worry about. There is plenty of parking in San Ramon.


Called the photographer. We will be going to LA for the photoshoot. Hawaiian shirt, Barong Tagalog and maybe an Igorot clothing if I get buffed soon enough. Bwahahhaha.


The photo above was from our fireworks display in Union City.

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