Saturday, May 31, 2003

I just placed into the oven a chicken with red and white wine sauce stew. The SO got a recipe from the internet on white wine sauce because of the 2001 Clos de
Tournon wine that was partially consumed last night. I figured, why throw it out into the sink when I can use it as a white wine sauce?

So, I basically sauteed the chicken thighs without bone or skin on the pan. I spiced up the chicken with salt and pepper. The chicken was then cooked so that the meat would be caramelized. In a separate pan, I placed 3-4 onions cut into 2 x 2 inch size, baby carrots, and halved garlic. I then placed the cooked chicken over the vegetables. The sautee pan was reduced with red wine and a spoonful of flour. Now, when I see how it reduced, it was quite beautiful. Shit, if i realized just how easy it is to make a red wine sauce like this, shoot, i would have opened a restaurant before.

In the baking pan that contains the vegetables, white wine was poured and then red wine was poured. The whole pan is placed in the oven at 450 degrees. And now the wait begins. I wonder how this thing will taste like.

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