Monday, May 26, 2003

I watched Matrix Reloaded and it was a BLAST. I have heard that people thought that it was much too much on the philosophical side. I tend to think that it has reasons why it had to have those philosophical discussions. It's not simply an action movie; it is a social critique of how we see our lives.

So, what do I think is happening in Matrix? Well, the discussion with the source was very informative. Let's see if I can remember some details.

1. The destruction of Zion has occurred six times already.
2. A perfect matrix was created, but it failed. A matrix that was not perfect had to be created to replace the perfect matrix.
3. There have been six other Neos before.
4. Neo was given a choice: Zion or Trinity.
5. Neo was able to stop the scatters by his hand.
6. Neo was an expected aberration. He is the culmination of the 99.9% of the Matrix.
7. Neo brought back to life Trinity.
8. Neo was expected at the Source.

I have to wonder about the nature of Neo. Ostensibly, the source calls him the aberration, the expected one, the deliverer. Neo is to choose the 7 men and 6 women who repopulate Zion and will continue the species. By choosing Trinity, Neo supposedly changed the fate of Zion.

My interpretation is that Neo is either a computer program or he is a human who became like a computer program when he died in Matrix I. In that sense, he is like Mr. Smith who became an exile. Instead of dying like he normally should have, the thoughts and processes of Neo became like a computer program. That is why he could see code and is the reason that he could destroy Mr. Smith.

The other conclusion I came to is that everyone is still in the Matrix. They simply believe that they are free of the Matrix. Going back to Matrix I, it was stated that there were deaths when humans had the perfect setting. What better setting for humans/batteries than to place them in a place where they are fighting the machines? They are still acting as batteries, but in reality, they are actually still in the Matrix.

Assuming that everyone is still in the Matrix will solve two conundrums. First, how did Neo live after being shot? The extension of course of this is how did Neo bring back Trinity after she was shot. The answer is that they are physically plugged in as batteries. They were only shot while inside the matrix. The second is the question of how Neo stopped the scatters by extending his hand. He can stop the scatters because he is a computer program in the midst of the matrix.

The Oracle stated that man and machine were supposed to be working together. I can only imagine that they are. For all I know, the humans are plugged into the machines much like batteries, but the human mind makes up the matrix.

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