Sunday, May 25, 2003

Jim Henson is dead. Bob Hope is reaching 100 years old. Bush the Younger has cronies trying to convince him that it is time to destabilize Iran. What the hell. Fuck with the Yunited Estates, fuck with the big boys. We don't just want freedom for the US, we want to destabilize your damned governments which are messing with our friends in other countries. God Bless America and NOWHERE ELSE because we will make war on your ass.

Let this be a warning to any other country that wants to mess with the United States. We have a president who is an average Joe Schmoe. You mess with the US, You mess with Texas. We will send all those military types on combat pay to your country and make you sorry that you fucked with us. We already got the Taliban, Hussein and the Bath party. You're next Iran. We're going to dig up Khoemeni for messing with us in 1976.

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